On October 25, 2020, Livingston County experienced a single day spike in COVID19 positive cases, just above 7% infection rate. The Episcopal Diocese of Rochester's COVID Task Force has implemented a restriction on in person worship services for all churches in an affected area where the single-day infection rate rises above 5%. St. Michael's, therefore, will be suspending its in person worship services until Sunday, November 15, 2020.
While we expect and anticipate returning to in person worship on November 15, it is important to remember that we are working diligently to maintain the health and well-being of everyone who participates in the life and worship of St. Michael's Church, which may further delay our return. Should this occur, all will be notified immediately.
Thank you for your faithfulness and understanding. These are strange and unusual times. As we face each day with grace and faith seeking understanding, we will discern the movement of the Spirit in our midst and remain at peace amidst uncertainty.
May God continue to open you newly to the experience of love and grace, so that you show forth the glory of the Lord for all to know the joy of life in Christ.
I look forward to "seeing" you all online for worship this Sunday, November 1 - ALL SAINTS' DAY, where we will delve newly into the scriptures, so to hear what the Spirit is saying to us through them.
Yours faithfully,
Fr. Daniel+