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Update & Response from St. Michael's

Dear People of St. Michael’s,

We are taking important, precautionary measures to ensure the safety of everyone in our communities, and we invite you to join with us to care for and attend to each other in appropriate ways, and not to treat this virus lightly. If you are sick at all, please stay home and rest. Avoid infecting others with even a common cold, as this can make others more susceptible to a worse illness or Covid19. Wash your hands. Also, actually wash your hands.


  • Altar Guild is suspended until further notice. Andrea will be in touch with members.

  • Lenten House Groups are suspended until a later date. More info to come.

  • CROC (Counters) is being reorganized. You will be contacted soon.

  • Food Pantry Sunday is as important now as ever, as food shortage always impacts those who are most at risk. Please drop off food items at church or at the pantry as able.

  • Committee Meetings should meet ONLY if it is necessary, and to take advantage of phone conferencing or video streaming as able.

  • Giving remains important, as even amidst pandemic the church’s expenses do not cease. Please consider setting up Online Bill Pay with your bank, if you haven’t already, mailing your pledge and offerings still works, and online giving is available, safely and securely, HERE. If you would like assistance on how to continue making your pledge, please contact Andrea Milgate at asawyer681@gmail.comThis Sunday an offering plate will be placed at the back of the church for everyone to make their offering, to avoid passing the plate.

  • VESTRY will meet on Monday, March 16, and will be open only to Vestry members.

  • WORSHIP is still on, and will not cease. We will move to Morning Prayer on March 22, with a combined service at 9:30AM, and for the time being, the church will remain open for those who desire to be present physically. You are also encouraged to gather in small groups or by yourself at home, and to be together online. A link to each service will be on the church’s homepage for easy access to livestreaming:

  • Passing the Peace during Lent is always optional, and we will refrain from our typical exchanging of the Peace. Please make a reverent bow to your neighbor instead.

  • Receiving Communion will be only through the host (bread) this Sunday, and suspended indefinitely thereafter.

  • Potluck Brunch scheduled for Sunday, March 15, is cancelled, and coffee hour is suspended until further notice.

Click Here for a message from Fr. Daniel, or follow the link below, and use the COVID19 link on the menu bar of the church’s website for ongoing updates.

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