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Search Committee Update


The Search Committee would like to update the parish on our progress so far.  We have been working alongside The Reverend Virginia Tyler Smith from the Diocesan Office of Transition Ministry, gathering and narrowing down information to prepare a Profile for our church.  We went through an extensive list of characteristics we appreciate in a parish priest and zeroed in on the ones that seemed most important to St. Michael’s.  We felt very fortunate to already have a lot of input on these topics from our RenewalWorks Data gathered earlier.


Our top areas would be someone who…

  • Preaches Biblical sermons that apply the Word to our lives and that challenge people to examine their faith

  • Sees both that work is accomplished and that people are valued

  • Serves as a sound financial manager

  • Seeks to continue to build the parish into a loving and pastoral community

  • Provides stability in worship style in the Anglican tradition

  • Prioritizes stable family, peer, and community relationships

  • Provides spiritual direction for the congregation


It is probably no surprise to any of you that tradition, sound practices, and relationships are all very important to the people of St. Michael’s.  We trust that those are values that exist in our next parish priest. 


Additionally, we are working with others in the church to update out website and we will be looking at attending to our social media, as well.  These are places where interested priests will go to get a sense of who we are and whether we are a good fit.


On May 22, after a combined service at 10AM we would like you to join us during coffee hour for an informal activity to gather more information from you on some of your hopes for the next priest of St. Michael’s.  Mark your calendars, and we will look forward to seeing you.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of our Search Committee members:  Ann Dawson, Don Halstead, Rebecca Rio, Christine Talbott, and Jim Whitehead.

Posted June 2022


The Search Committee would like to thank all those who attended the Parish Input Session on May 22.  The turnout that morning was excellent and we believe the information gathered from you will prove very helpful in moving forward with the Rector search.


At this point the Diocesan Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) has accepted our Parish Profile and distributed a posting for our Rector position within the Rochester Diocese and through national search sites.  The OTM will begin to receive inquiries and applications and the vetting process for potential candidates will begin.  


If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of the Search Committee:  Ann Dawson, Don Halstead, Rebecca Rio, Christine Talbott, or Jim Whitehead.


Click here to view The Parish Profile



Posted September 2022

In August the Search Committee interviewed two candidates for our Rector position.  One was from within our Diocese, the other was from out of state.  The current procedure for the Rochester Diocese is to conduct preliminary interviews via Zoom and we had a second Zoom call scheduled for each candidate at the end of August.  Both withdrew just before their second interview.

Virginia Tyler Smith, the Diocesan Dean of Transition Ministry, assured us that the withdrawals were not a reflection of problems with our search process, but simply an indication of the imbalance between the number of openings and the number of priests exploring a new calling.  Most candidates have more than “one ball in the air.”  In our case, one candidate was called to a position in California, the other to a position on Long Island.

Rev. Tyler Smith has a Regional Transition Ministry Conference in Virginia at the beginning of September.  She will announce our vacancy there and reopen the search on Transition Ministry sites nationally and within our region.  She will also solicit interest from Seminary Deans and similar sources.

So we are back looking.  We remain positive, but we could use your prayers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of our Search Committee members:  Ann Dawson, Don Halstead, Rebecca Rio, Christine Talbott, and Jim Whitehead.


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