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Reflections on Worshipping @ Home


Sacred Space is vital to worship. When you are unable to be in the space of the church building, find ways of creating sacred space at home, work, or on the road. For consideration:

  • Keep holy books present - use your Bible, Book of Common Prayer, etc., as opposed to a screen (when possible)

  • Pray at specified times, even if it is specified newly each day

    • Pray at the same time that the whole church is in prayer, especially if accessing online worship

  • Agape Meal

    • Incorporate prayer around a shared table, praying before sharing a meal, and giving thanks afterwards as well.

    • Sing a song together, however awkward it might seem. The awkwardness of family singing or small group singing provides its own kind of joy.

  • Alternate leaders when worshipping at home in a small group setting or as a family, allowing for younger voices to take the reigns, with appropriate encouragement and training

  • Plan worship together, determining in advance which prayers and forms will be used, and which will be omitted. How will you insert prayer requests, etc?

  • Remember Rule #6!

    • AKA: Don’t take yourself so seriously. It will get in the way of your ability to worship apart from a communal context. Worshipping at home is not to be unusual. Rather, communal worship calls the faithful to routine worship outside the context of public worship. Each implies the other.



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