St. Michael's Church is taking necessary and important precautions to ensure the well-being of all God's children. It is vital, during these uncertain times, to be measured in our response without causing unnecessary alarm. Click on the image below to listen to a message from Fr. Daniel, and scroll down below to note important shifts in our life together.
Effective Immediately
Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 8:30AM & 10:30AM services on March 15; however, the chalice will not be administered. We will receive Communion in one kind, the host/bread, which is at the behest of our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, our own Bishop, Prince Singh, and is an ancient custom in the church, recognizing that to receive either the body or blood of Christ is to receive the fullness of divinity.
Weekday Services of Holy Eucharist are suspended indefinitely
Lay Eucharistic Visits are suspended indefinitely
Services will be available online beginning March 15, at 10:30AM
Beginning Sunday, March 22
Combined service of Morning Prayer at 9:30AM
Services will be available online to encourage full participation for those remaining at home
Please check this blog for further updates as we continue to faithfully respond to this pandemic.